Tuesday, June 12, 2007

June 12th

I can't believe that this program is drawing to a close! It has been an interesting road.

Tonight we watched a video on the making of PSAs from a Today segment. It was validating to watch how they went through the process. I know that we actually do the same thing when we use DEAPR. Creating our treatment and storyboard was a task that Jess really had a handle doing. I don't always think that way so it was neat working with someone who did.

We filmed our PSA. Carrie had created such neat props...she is so clever! Again, I have learned how important it is to collaborate and you are able to accomplish great things! We began to create our story using Movie Maker. We will add music in the background.

Next we will be thinking about our Podcast. We have been writing our script using a Wiki.

I plan to brainstorm a list of possible uses for digital video in the lower elementary grades. I think that having students go through the process of writing a treatment, constructing a storyboard, and then filming will allow them to increase their visual literacy skills.


Natalie's Google Account said...

I am so surprised that you have already begun filming! Our group has been in a "creative fog". You have given me an idea, though. Maybe I will start a Wiki for my group and we can get through the scripting...

Thanks for sharing your idea.

Anonymous said...

Jodi - Thanks for such a great summary of the class, you always do such as great job! It was very helpful to me since I missed class. I am excited to learn about PSA and the ways to implement them into the middle school!!

Gee...can't wait to see how far my group got!

Julie said...

I can't wait to tape tonight. It should be so much fun. I really can't wait to manipulate the digital material to create our film. I love learning new things.